Saturday, 29 February 2020



Each year the third Monday of January is dubbed as Blue Monday. The theory about blue Monday is that by this time of the month, we are enough guilt ridden having miserably broken all the resolutions that we had made on the first day of the new year. In western countries, from where this concept comes, this is the time when people become wary of the unrelenting cold and snow, salary has been used up and to top it all, the resolutions lie broken in million pieces. Thus, this Monday that starts the week brings in melancholy, sadness and depression.
                               I was a little amused at this concept. We have been following the concept of New Year resolutions for decades and breaking them without impunity for decades. I had never experienced this depressing thought ever in spite of having a track record of not a single completed resolution for that year!
                             I was left wondering if this is a concept unique to the western world where environment gets unfriendly during the turn of the year. Is it the cold and the whiteness of snow stretching beyond horizon that creates a sadness in the mind, highlighting the fact that the least one could have done for oneself, was to follow a certain promise, yet couldn’t do it. 
                        Just like the world that is divided into two halves, we over here have a completely different take on resolutions.
                       Honestly, each year, for the last plenty of decades, I have solemnly promised myself that whatever resolution I make at the end of the year that was, will be followed till the year end without a break, will be adhered to come what may and will help me emerge a different person than last year. I will be thinner if the resolution is weight loss (tops the list of resolutions) or more successful if the resolution is about being a workaholic, or more moneyed if the resolution is about discovering alternate profession that will click and keep the cash registers ringing. Sometimes the resolution has been to learn to let go and not keep the hurt hidden deep inside the recess of the overburdened heart.  Sometimes it has been to forgive, forget and patch up.
On some year-end parties, the resolution has been about driving on crowded roads without allowing the rage to get the best of me. This is one resolution I guarantee must have been after an extra-large mojito! On one occasion, the resolution was that I will be good to everyone, however rude/bitchy/irritating/ rough/ uncouth the person may be to me. This surely was after two large mojitos!
                          The year-ends most of the times bring a sense of moving over and moving on.
                          In reality it is just moving a day ahead. A Thursday moves on to a Friday and 31st changes to 1st like every other month. Geographically speaking, it is what we have learnt in school.  However, this is out of the purview of this write-up (for obvious reasons) and reader’s memory.
                          For the mind though, it’s a change from all the memories, good and more importantly the ones that wounded the self, that have now gone by. It’s a change that one looks forward to with hope and faith. It’s a starting point for all that can take away the bad and hurtful and bring in joy and sunshine. It’s a way forward. It’s an opportunity to correct the wrongs of the past year and find solace in the new year starting ahead. Its about discovering sunshine all over again.
                        The change-over to the new year is full of new hope which is why resolutions become important. They promise to reset our clock of wrongs and make us aware of what rights need to be done. A calm sets in with the resolution because your mind has become receptive to what can make it happier having gone through the trial and tribulations of the last one.
                        Thus, resolutions are made, deals are sealed with the self and promises of a good year bring in the necessary cheer. The new year party is a huge success and under the warmth of delicious alcohol that now occupies the space meant for RBC’s and WBC’s, life shines with a new light. A new path is carved and you start walking tall and proud into the new year.
                      Its only when blood comes back into the flow and Mondays come with usual stress of the roads and the boss, that slowly the happy self, starts closing its wings and prepares to disappear behind the normal. Routine makes sure that the wings are locked and the key lost for the next twelve months. You emerge from behind that façade of newness and get back on track. 
                          The best part is that having weathered so many old and new years, breaking the resolution is just as routine as a weighing machine not budging from its previous number or a bad honking spree for a two-wheeler who refuses to drive fast just because you want to go ahead or a close one breaking your heart for no fault of yours!
                       We have this strength in our DNA to walk ahead come what may and not feel a thing when the sound of broken resolution bangs against our ears.
                       So honestly, there is no such a thing as Blue Monday for us.
                        Now that we are well into the year, plough on and enjoy the sound of the resolution that just broke!

BTW, that’s me on a blue Monday!