Wednesday, 3 January 2018


I DON'T LIKE MYSELF                                                                    

I don't like myself-

When i forget to thank the Lord for showing me a new sunrise, happy to be awake to witness yet another day to start my routine.
I don't like myself-
When I take this day for granted, going about it without pausing even once to realize that it’s a gift to have seen the sunrise, to have awakened to yet another day, yet another addition to the days gone-by in this one life span.
When I am thankless about every breath I take, unmindful of the importance of my ability to suck in the air that will keep me alive.
When I forget the value of the day that has dawned in my  life and casually go about it as ‘just another day’

I don’t like myself-

When I allow anger to flow through my veins, as I rush through the day, impatient at people who cannot match my speed.
When I allow rage to be a part of the road I travel, gesticulating with angry expressions and expletives behind closed glass windows or sometimes open to the air, breathing out fumes of exasperation and anger at not being allowed to cross a hurdle in the form of a slow driver or a careful one in my mad rush to get from one place to another.
When I bark irrelevant dis-respectful words to a stranger I have never met just because for that moment that stranger has cut my speed, prevented me from going ahead full throttle on a road choc-a-block with strangers rushing to catch their daily grind.
When I shatter the silence of the whirring traffic, blaring that sound of impatience in my hunger to speed ahead of the rest of the world that is moving in the speed not conducive to my idea of speed.
When I break all the rules of traffic, arrogantly believing in my power to get out of any situation, endangering the life of innocent travelers, and often mine too.

I don’t like myself-

When I take my body for granted.
When I abuse my body, drive it to its endpoint as I rush forward chasing my dreams, unmindful of the physical harm I am causing to myself.
When I load my body with toxic fluids and unhealthy food giving in again and again to the cravings of my tongue.
When I break my own resolutions of keeping my health in check, and keeping my muscles strong and keeping my heart healthy.
When I conveniently find reasons to skip the exercise regime .
When I convince myself that I need that precious sleep more than I need to get out of the inviting warm bed even as dawn breaks over,urging me to move towards good health.
When I ignore signs of ill-health, more out of fear of finding a disease growing, closing my eyes and mind and wishing it away or when I worry to death about health problems that are not there, scared that the end is near and rush from one doctor to another, spending sleepless nights and hard earned money on digging out my non-existent problem.
When I ignore the signs of a tired body, throw caution to the wind and carry on, anyway!

I don't like myself -

When I allow technology to rule my life rather than me dictating terms so that my life becomes easier.
When I succumb to the fascinating yet addicting aspects of technology and allow myself to be held captive by it.
When I bury myself deep in the virtual social world, gradually isolating myself from the real one, losing real friends for virtual ones and breaking away from real relationships to build unseen and unknown bonds that don't matter.
When I choose not to believe scientific data that confirms health hazards of too much of gadgetry, blaming my lack of concentration or insomnia to the struggles of routine rather than the micro-waves that are hurting my brain.
When I move away from reality, scared of embracing newer technology, hard of understanding the computer or the internet world, worried that my time for learning is way past and shut my eyes and ears to the ways that have got the world closer.
When I pride in being 'technologically handicapped', knowing fully well the consequences of falling behind.

I don't like myself-

 When I lack integrity and honesty in my work.
When I cut corners to fit a square in a circle.
When I continue to hang on to older methods of doing my work, compromising on the quality and advantage of better service to people who come to me with trust and hope.
When I lose humility about my knowledge and my ability to do my work, looking down with contempt and disgust at less-abled co-workers.
When I start believing that my knowledge and my skill is my slave and I have learnt all that is there to learn.
When I believe that I can do no wrong.
 I don’t like myself-

When I allow my mind to wander in the jungle where beasts live, gorging on misunderstandings and misinformation that create a whirlpool of negativity, filling my mind with anger and hatred.
When I allow my mind to wallow in despair and despondency, blaming my failures on others, causing agony not just to me but the people around me who love me.
When I become judgmental about a person or an event based on the raw thoughts that have been fed to me or that I have allowed my mind to believe.
When I allow myself to dislike someone or break away from a bond just because I believe I was wronged, not knowing what has happened on the other side.
When I clutter my mind with senseless opinions given by people who don’t matter and bear the heaviness and the pain of carrying that heavy cluttered mind.
When I break a relationship for no reason that my sensible mind can fathom, bearing the pain of that wound and inflicting that other heart with a bleeding deep cut.
When I make opinions on trivial situations about people I have hardly met or know.
When I fill my mind with hatred and anger for someone who has wronged me without giving myself time to heal or that person, time to explain.
When I wish things don’t work out well for someone who has hurt me.
When I don't pause to think if I have hurt someone, knowingly or unknowingly.
When I cannot appreciate someone else’s success.
When I dislike, distrust or discriminate.

I don't like myself-

When ambition takes over my dreams
When the only way I can go up is by standing on someone's shoulder and trampling him down
When the materialistic pleasures and the luxurious lives of achievers blinds my logic and fills me with greed to grab what may not be mine.
When money matters and heart doesn't.
When greed matters and compassion doesn't.
When I matter and others don't.
When nothing matters.

In my quest from being a human being to being human, I have lost track of the higher purpose of my evolution. I have left my goodness behind and got ahead crushing all that came my way. My heart has bloated with anger, greed and apathy. My heart has shrunk of humaneness and love

I need to find myself in this mayhem.

I need to like myself all over again!


  1. Nice thoughts put together.
    Something and some lines touch everyone.
    Suggestion - If the thoughts can be character based ..

    1. thank you so much. please continue to post your encouraging comments and spread the word about my blogs.

  2. These are musings of an ideal personality ,with deep understandings of his own capabilities. Superb composing and narration.

    1. thank you so much. please continue to post your encouraging comments and spread the word about my blogs. i am humbled by your words.

  3. Replies
    1. thank you so much. please continue to post your encouraging comments and spread the word about my blogs.
